My movement style is drawn from a full range of bodyweight training disciplines including Yoga, Pilates and calisthenics, among others. The training is designed to build skills, strength, mobility and stability.

Every programme is unique to the client. As I get to know you, I’ll create your programme based on movement styles that build on your strengths, objectives and what’s suitable on the day. The longer we work together, the more refined your programme will become.

This is the training style I practice myself, and I love it because it’s:

Universal: Every living person has a body that wants to move, which means everybody has all the tools they need to feel better, right now. No experience, kit or ability is required.

Adaptable: I work responsively. No matter how you feel or what condition you’re in, I can adapt the movement to work for you and the ebbs and flows of your day-to-day life.

Creative: There’s a deep pool of inspiration to draw from and no limits to potential for progress. It keeps things varied and interesting.

Rewarding: Long and short-term rewards make motivation and commitment easier. I want you to enjoy each session and leave feeling great, as well as build on your long-term skills.

Sustainable: Bodyweight training can help you learn about your body, and build a stronger relationship with it. The skills, strength and mobility you’ll build in our sessions have the capacity to support you in your everyday life, throughout your life.

My method works. I’ve proven it over and over again. Let me create you a movement programme that works for you and you’ll feel great. All you need to do is invest, commit to the first eight sessions and see how you like training with me.
