The best way to get to know me is in person, at your free consultation.


First, a list: I’m 44, mixed race, female (she/her) and ADHD. I live and work in Bristol (UK), my clients live and work all over the world.

It’s boring, like all lists, but it pretty much tells you why I’m a great coach for a lot of people: My life experiences have taught me about overcoming barriers (mostly by ignoring them). I listen to others and think for myself. I run on determination, lateral thinking and positivity.

If I want to do something, I’ll find a way to do it. It’s my kind of rebellion.

I trained to teach movement in my mid thirties when I was bored with life and needed a shake-up. Since then I’ve continued to train and work with all sorts of people in all sorts of ways and I’ve become a very good coach.

I love my work. I know how to find and build on peoples’ strengths and I’ve proven repeatedly that those who positively and diligently prioritise their wellbeing are capable of so much more than they think. For many, our sessions have become their own personal rebellion, a way to tool up so they can face the challenges in their lives.

Together, my clients and I prove that when it comes to health there is no one-size-fits-all. Every person, body and mind is unique, and all of you deserve to feel well, right now.

Visit my IG to get occasional random and unrelated insights into my own training and other stuff I like. @movewith_cam. Better still talk to me in person:
